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Friday, May 13, 2016

Straightening Things Out

Hey look, an update.  That's mostly about maintenance.  Yeah, I'm trying to get back into comics but between the move and going back to work, I just haven't had the time.  Working on it kiddies, I swear.

In the meantime, it's site maintenance time!  Most of this is shuffling comics around the list and figuring out which ones are still alive and kicking, as it were.

So let's start with the Daily strips.

Legends of Whoelterra, which I'm surprised I'm still reading, has slacked from daily down to twice a week.  That means T-Th-S is a better fit for it so off it goes.

The Fifth Circle hasn't updated in quite a while, and I think it's time to accept it won't for a while longer.  Hiatus.

The M-W-F strips

Cerintha is actually on a Weekly schedule any more, though which day of the week seems to float around for some reason even the artist is unsure of.

The Whiteboard recently went Daily (as in 5 days a week) so it gets to go over there.

Eerie Cuties is updating, though what the schedule is I'm unsure.  I'm going to leave it where it is for now.

The T-Th-S strips

Skullkickers is, of course, Complete, so that's where it needs to go, mostly so I stop checking it.  Also apparently I was linking to the Keenspot site, and when it finished, Keen dropped it.  Annoying, this link works though.

Since their return, Licensed Heroes is mostly Weekly, so it heads there.

The Weekly strips

God damn it Elsie Hooper, just finish already.  To Hiatus with you until you do so.

Kiwis By Beat is still MIA, and no one knows what happened.  For no Hiatus, but I'm not confident it'll be back any time soon.

Out There recently announced that the comic will be wrapping up, but on an undetermined schedule.  Good news is he plans to finish In Here, before dropping off the face of the comic map.  Sad times.  Out There will be in Monthly until it's done.

Sister Claire has been updating more regularly than Weekly for a while (and it's easier since they broke off Missing Moments), so I'm moving it to T-Th-S.

The Monthly strips

Aptitude Test is Dead.  I'll be doing a Retrospective on it in the near future.

City of Reality's hosting is down, but at least I can track what's going on with it via other means.  It's moving to Hiatus.

I still don't know what happened with Kawaii Not.  I think it's actually Dead.

The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon is moving to Haitus since it probably should have been there for a while now.  Very sporadic updates and a message about burnout.

White Noise should have moved to Weekly a while ago.  No time like the present.

Hiatus Comics

The Wotch is updating regularly again.  Like I said in the last Touching Base, I do intend to do some catch up, and the best way to do so is to move it to Weekly for the time being.  We'll see how it goes.

And that's all the work I needed to do.  Next time, something, maybe, we'll see.  Until then kiddies.

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